Monday, November 28, 2022

Because Of Course They Did!

Well, sure, isn't that just how it always seems to happen?

I recently did an update to my American Heraldry Collection (which can be downloaded for you to use from the "Some Articles I've Written" section in the left-hand column of this blog), and in the announcement of that update I noted that I was still waiting for the next installment from the Committee on Heraldry of the New England Historic Genealogical Society to be published.

So, sure, wouldn't you know it, that just a few days later the latest copy of the NEHG Register arrived in my in-box, containing the final installment of Part 11 of the Committee's Roll of Arms.

So having very recently made an announcement about an update to the American Heraldry Collection, I am back again to announce ... another update to the American Heraldry Collection!

Anyway, it's there, it's up to date (and likely to remain so at least until they start publishing Part 12, assuming I don't find some new source of American heraldry before then), and you can download it for your own use/research/etc.

I hope that you find it useful.

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