Let us now wander out from the house and into the garage. What are the ways in which we might use a coat of arms there?
Now, admittedly, most of us -- indeed, I suspect the overwhelming majority of us -- don't have the disposable income sufficient to warrant us having our own private train on which to display our coat of arms, like the Baron von der Bergquelle did here:
Nor do I suspect that most of us have our own private aircraft which might display our heraldry, as here:
Still, how might we use our armory? As I have noted a number of times in presentations introducing heraldry to genealogists, emulating Colonial Americans or Victorians by painting a coat of arms on the modern family coach, for example, a Volkswagen Beetle ...
... or down here in Texas where I live, the family pickup truck ...
... just doesn't seem "right" somehow. Still, you could do something similar, though perhaps a little less "in your face" ostentatious:
Or something like an armorial hood ornament ...
... or a car badge (or badges) ...
... would not be amiss.
There are options, too, for a display of your heraldry on a motorcycle, for example, on the side ...
... or done in any of several ways on the motorcycle's seat. Here is one done in monochrome outline on the rear of the seat ...
... and here's another in fully colored tooled leather on the upper surface of the seat:
What other ways can you think of to display your coat of arms on or in your family vehicles?