Periodically, as I get some "free" time, I will continue to go out and look about on the internet to see what I can find that may be of interest to heralds and heraldists. (I am not particularly enamored of that last term; our friend Marcel van Rossum, Deputy State Herald for South Africa, thinks we ought to use the term "academic herald" for those who research, write about, and teach or lecture on the subject of heraldry. I think I agree with him, and will try to use "academic herald" in the future.) Sometimes I will run across something on the web that may be of interest while doing my own researches. But as often as not, I will also see something in the forum of one of the heraldry societies to which I belong, where someone else has run across something of interest and has posted about it. But however the information is obtained, when I see something that I believe may be of particular interest, I will post a link to it in one of the categories that run down the left side of this page. Right now the main categories are: other blogs discussing heraldry; heraldry websites; armorials (this category also includes some ordinaries); and heraldry books. For each of these general categories, if I find something of particularly American interest, I will almost certainly add it. Everything else that gets added is chosen on a case-by-case basis. (Imagine the number of links that would be there if I went out to the Internet Archive or Google Books websites and simply linked to everything that came up doing a search for "heraldry", "heraldic", "heraldica", or "coat of arms"!) But if I see something of general or more often, of particular, interest (e.g., Ye Comic History of Heraldry), I will add it. (Though as a general rule, I will not add commercial websites, unless they’ve got a bunch of good stuff that is available for free.)
All this really is just to remind you, whether you’re here for the first time or have been a regular reader, to check, and to keep checking, the links lists for new items that might be of interest to you. And if you should happen to know of a website or an armorial or ordinary or other heraldry book that you think I or the readers here might be interested in, please don’t hesitate to email me with a URL. (My email address can be found by clicking the "Email" button in my Profile.) And, of course, given the sometimes fluid nature of the internet, if you find any broken links here, be sure to let me know, and I’ll either remove them or find an alternate site for them. After all, it’s all about sharing and learning about this wonderful field together.
3 months ago
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