Thursday, April 14, 2022

How a Coat of Arms Is Different From a Logo, Part 2

In our last post, we looked at a wide variety of renditions of the coat of arms of Heidelberg, Germany, as an example of the variety that you can get in heraldry that you cannot do with a logo or trademark.

This time, we're going to look at a personal coat of arms, and some of the many differing examples of it. But no matter how different they may seem, they all follow the blazon, and are all the same coat of arms.

First, a comparatively "plain vanilla" version of the arms Argent two chevronels azure between three apples gules slipped and leaved vert.

(Full disclosure: Yes, this is my coat of arms, designed by myself, and used publicly since 2002. Some versions of it also come with a crest: An apple tree fructed proper.)

In the ensuing 20 years, I have created a few other slightly modified versions:

But the real fun has come from having other artists more skilled than I create their interpretations. Like this one from the roll of arms of attendees at the 2002 International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences in Dublin, Ireland:

Or this simply sketched one for his Liber Amicorum (Book of Friends) by Magnus Backmark:

By Antonio Salmeron:

By Dennis O'Meskel MacGoff:

By John Rafael (with the crest):

A black and white pencil drawing by Ronny Anderson:

And a library painting by Sunil Saigal:

No, these are not even all of the different renditions that I have. But I wanted to save space for just a few examples of bookplates that I have created (thank you, clipart collections!) of my arms and crest, ranging from very Baroque to Art Deco to I'm not sure what (Classical Modernist?). You should be able to figure out for yourself which is which:

Once again, this is not the kind of variety you can get with a trademark or logo.

But in heraldry? The possibilities are limited only by your own imagination (or in my case, the quality of the clipart I have purchased and then modified). As the examples here, all of a single coat of arms, pretty clearly demonstrates, I think.

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