Well, Woot! has done it again; this is the third day in a row that they've offered a tee shirt with an heraldic theme. If this keeps up, they're going to have one that I'll feel that I simply have to buy! (And, for the record, I do not work for nor am I in any way related to Woot!, except as an occasional customer.)
Anyway, the tee shirt that they are offering for today is an homage to writer and movie-maker Joss Wheedon. The four quarters, the goggles atop the shield, and the crossed wooden stake and pistol underneath it relate to some of the cable TV series and movies he's been involved in: Dr. Horrible. Firefly. Titan AE. Alien Resurrection. The Avengers. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Serenity.
Today's tee shirt offering is under the same conditions as the previous tee shirts from them I have mentioned: available until midnight Central Daylight Time on July 22, 2012, for US$12.00 with free shipping. You can find out more if you are so inclined at: http://shirt.woot.com/
3 months ago
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