A recent article in the Trinity News gives an identification of the various coats of arms on Trinity College’s Campanile (a freestanding bell tower) which is placed so prominently in the main square of the College in Dublin, Ireland. Each of the coats of arms is identified and their blazons given. The article can be found on-line at: http://www.trinitynews.ie/index.php/opinion/editorial/669-old-trinity-the-campaniles-arms-identified
There are some nice photos of the Campanile throughout the seasons at the Ian Russell Art website at http://www.iarchitectures.com/campanile.html
We had the opportunity of staying at Trinity College during the International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences held in Dublin in 2002,* and I can attest to the beauty of the structure. Go by and see it if you are ever in the area. (Be warned, however; the “hallowed cobblestones” there can be murder on your feet. The wearing of very sturdy shoes is recommended.)
* We stayed in the buildings known as “Botany Bay”, which made us the envy of our medievalist friends as we were thus directly across the square from where they keep the Book of Kells, but all I could hear at the time, and since, upon thinking of the words “Botany Bay” is the voice of Chekov in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan going “Botany Bay? Botany Bay! Captain, we must get out of here!!”
3 months ago
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