I wrote some time back (on May 28, 2009) about having finished up a restoration project on a small half-circle display cabinet that we’d bought as a nice place to display some of the "crested china", small fairings with coats of arms on them, that we’d managed to purchase over the years. The trouble was, having finished the restoration/fix-up, I didn’t have a good place to put it. It didn’t fit decently anywhere in the heraldic library, and so it was going to take some thought - and probably some rearranging - to find a place for it.
Well, the other day we did it! It did take a little rearranging, but only a minimal amount. In the downstairs library (the heraldic library is upstairs) we have some cabinets that act as a long side table, with various prints and pictures and whatnot hanging on the wall above them. I took down one of the pictures we’d been talking about getting rid of for some time, moved the watercolor that was below it up, and Presto! Instant space for fairing cabinet.

(I swear, the way my "hobby" is filling up the house, I feel like I’m Captain Kirk of Star Trek hollering down to engineering, "More heraldry, Scotty! I need more heraldry!")
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