As if you didn’t have enough other things on the web that eat up all of your “copious free time,” there’s the website Flickr ( which allows not only people to post pictures of all kinds (well, probably only most kinds), but allows these same folks (you, me, others. Well, maybe not me. It’s about all I can do right now to keep up with this blog, my website, Facebook, and LinkedIn, along with email) to group those photos into sets and collections. And then – and this is where the trouble really starts – they have “groups.”
People can join a group and upload photos with others of a particular topic. Say, the “Art of Heraldry.” Or “Church Monument Heraldry”. Or “Bookplates” (which often contain coats of arms).
Anyway, because I don’t want to feel like I’m the only one out here spending hours of my time looking at pictures of heraldry, I offer here for you so that you can join me, the following Flickr groups:
Art of Heraldry:
Church Monument Heraldry:
Enjoy! I know I will.
3 months ago
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