Well, no, not exactly. It's a book, not about heraldry, but about heralds. Specifically, The Herald in Late Medieval Europe.
With articles written by an international collection of authors, this volume "cover[s] a range of European regions and discuss[es] the diverse roles and experiences of heralds in the late Middle Ages." And, in fact, a book like this is probably overdue. I mean, there are lots of books about heraldry, but I can, I believe, count on the fingers of one had those which are about the heralds themselves, with a finger or two left over. Well, one less finger left over now.
This book is available from Boydell & Brewer, and costs US$95.00 or £50.00. More information about the book, its authors, and links to order it, can be found at http://www.boydell.co.uk/43834820.HTM
3 months ago
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