I know that such things have been remarked on by others before, but occasionally I’ll run across a rendition of an achievement of arms (shield, helm, wreath or torse, mantling, and crest, usually) that leads me to wonder if the artist had any idea that the things he was drawing used to have an actual, physical relationship to one another. Now, admittedly, it’s a relationship that I try to demonstrate in some of my lectures, most especially in my "Introduction to Heraldry for Genealogists". In that presentation, I break down the individual parts of an achievement (shield, helm, torse, mantling, crest, and so on) and where I can, I point out the same item on a photograph of a miniature knight with all his accouterments. I mean, I’ve known of times when people truly believed that the mantling was nothing more than decorative vegetation, and had no idea whatsoever that it was once a piece of cloth worn by actual knights. Consider the achievements of arms below:

Now, compare the sizes of the torses to the helms. None of the ones here are as bad as one I remember seeing once (but cannot relocate, darn it! If I run across it again, I’ll post it when I do), which had a crest of a railroad train, and the torse stretched out straight like a railroad track far off to either side of the helm. But still ....
And we won’t even get into how the artist thought the mantling was supposed to have been attached to the helms, especially in the Prebble achievement, where it looks like it was merely pinned at one point to the front and rear of the helm.
In an ideal world, all of the elements of an achievement of arms would be in proportion, and look as if they could be worn and borne, like the actual items of a knight’s equipage. Alas, as these achievements demonstrate, the world is not ideal. Still, I wish that the artists had thought a little more about the things they were drawing and how they should work together to create a harmonious whole.
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