I ran across a link to a website the other day that brought to mind the post here on June 1, 2009 entitled "Do They Really Need a New Logo?" The point I was trying to make in that post was that a coat of arms is readily adaptable to any number of different applications and artistic styles, and is appropriate for use in most, if not all, of the applications where cities and corporations are seeking to "update" their image through the adoption and use of a logo of some kind. This in many cases even though the city or corporation already has or uses a coat of arms. I feel that a coat of arms may be "updated" just as well as, and certainly a lot cheaper than, the adoption of a new logo, and used some examples from the City of Dublin, Ireland, as support for that belief.
The specific webpage I found the link to (http://www.kirkcaldycivicsociety.co.uk/motto.html) is hosted by the Kircaldy, Scotland, Civic Society, and is more about the way the town’s motto has been depicted over the centuries. But all of the many (46!) photographs there include the arms and show the many ways that those arms have been reproduced over the years. Some are very traditional, some very logo-like, and others just kind of neat in the artists’ creativity in depicting what really is a fairly simple armorial design.
Anyway, I thought that these depictions helped to bolster my argument that there’s really no need to go out and spend a lot of money on a new logo when there is already a perfectly good, suitable, and adaptable coat of arms available for no extra cost to those cities, etc. which already have or use one.
So if you enjoy seeing some of the different ways the same coat of arms can be depicted by different artists in various media and over the course of several hundred years, I highly recommend that you drop by the Kircaldy Civic Society website and "Check it out!"
3 months ago
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