We’ve just gone through our Independence Day celebrations here, with parades, and fireworks, and cooking outdoors on grills, and much flag waving. Well, it was that last one that got me to remembering another heraldic myth, this one having to do with the nascent United States of America.

The myth also ignores the prior use, beginning two years earlier in 1775, of other flags far more similar in design to the new national flag than Washington’s coat of arms and shown below from left to right: the Navy Jack (1775), which used the thirteen stripes; the Grand Union flag (1775), which used the Union flag in the first quarter; and the Bennington flag of 1777.

I mean, sure, it would be nice to believe that George Washington, the "Father of his country", also helped to give birth to its premier emblem, the "Stars and Stripes". But nice stories alone, without any other evidentiary support, do not history make. And certainly the real history of George Washington and of the United States are sufficiently interesting on their own to not need the artificial support of an heraldic myth. Such mythmaking does a disservice, I believe, to the men and women who pledged their "Lives, [their] Fortunes and [their] sacred Honor" to found the nation of which that flag is the symbol.
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