Monday, August 14, 2023

Personal Arms on Memorials to Military Men

Having seen the unit badge for the 4th Suffolk Regiment on memorials in Ely Cathedral last time, today we're going to look at personal coats of arms on similar memorials. (As always, you can, of course, click on any of these images to go to a larger photograph where the details are more clearly seen.)

First up is the memorial to Col. Lancelot Reed (1829-1884) of the 4th Suffolk Regiment.

At the top of this memorial brass is Col. Reed's personal coat of arms: Or on a chevron between three garbs gules three ears of corn or. His crest is: A demi-griffin grasping in the foreclaw a sprig of oak leaves.

Next we have the memorial to Surgeon Lt. Col. Frederick Fawssett, M.D. (1835-1918), again of the Fourth Battalion Suffolk Regiment.

This is clearly an impaled (marital) coat of arms: Argent on a bend sable three stag’s heads cabossed argent (Fawcett) impaling Sable three wolves passant or (Bouchier). His crest is A stag's head argent. And the motto: Vincit qui se vincit (He conquers who conquers himself).

Finally, we have the brass memorial to a former member of a different Regiment, the 3rd Battalion of the Suffolk Regiment, Henry Tansley Luddington (died 1922). 

The arms here are a differenced version of Luddington of London (found in Burke's General Armory): Paly of six argent and gules on a chief gules a lion passant guardant argent. Here, the arms would be blazoned: Argent two pallets and on a chief gules a lion passant guardant between two mascles argent. The arms are accompanied with the motto: PatriƦ fidelis (Faithful to the country). It is a beautifully rendered personal coat of arms. I especially like the way the diapering on the pallets (the vertical stripes) has been done. 

What a great way to memorialize these three soldiers, wouldn't you agree?

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