Thursday, November 28, 2019

In Memory of a Young Captain

Moving along in Canterbury Cathedral from St. Michael's Chapel, we came to this memorial to a young man (only 30 years old) who died in Northern Nigeria in 1904.

The text on the memorial reads:

In Loving Memory of
Formerly of XVI Lancers,
First resident of Azira, Northern Nigeria, West Africa,
who died Feb. 11th 1904, aged 30.
This tablet has been erected by his comrades to the memory of one
whose gallant and generous nature commanded the respect, admiration,
and affection, not only of his colleagues, but of the natives among
whom he worked and over whom he exercised a remarkable influence.
“By their fruits ye shall know them.”

Captain George Abadie was the son of Major General Henry Richard Abadie, C.B. (1841-1915), formerly Commanding IX Queen's Royal Lancers and Lt. Governor of the Island of Jersey, Commandant of the Cavalry Depot Canterbury from 1894-1897.

Captain Abadie died in Kano, Northern Nigeria, at the age of 30 of a malignant fever. He is interred in the European Cemetery there.

The arms, uncolored here, are blazoned: Bendy of six argent and gules four helmets in cross [tincture]. The crest is: An ostrich holding a sword erect in its dexter foot. The motto is Soiez prest. (This may be a misspelling of Soyez prĂȘts, Be prepared.)

1 comment:

  1. Hello David. You might be interested in my short book about the Abadies, including a section on George based on original research done after I found his gravestone in Kano (moved from the Residency to the Airport cemetery).
    The Cathedral bookshop did stock the book - not sure if it still does but I have copies!
