Thursday, February 17, 2011

Heraldry in Florence, Part Fourteen

We ran across a couple of framed pages containing coats of arms in our hotel. However, the arms displayed were from, of all places, Scotland! (I know that I’ve said many times that “you can find heraldry everywhere!”, but these displays surprised even me.) Each frame contained four coats of arms.  The first was:

The Lord of ye Ilis: Or an eagle displayed gules beaked and armed sable overall a lymphad sable.

Steuert Lord of Lorne: Quarterly, 1 and 4, Or a ship sable enflamed at the prow, stern and mast-head gules; 2 and 3, Or a fess checky azure and argent and in chief a garb sable.

Erskyne Lord Erskyn: Argent a pale sable.

Flemyng Lord FlemÅ·g: Quarterly, 1 and 4, Gules a chevron within a double tressure flory-counterflory Or; 2 and 3, Azure five cinquefoils argent.

The first page of arms is pretty clearly from the Armorial of Sir David Lindsay of the Mount. The four coats here are given in the same order (and with the same spellings) as in that armorial.  Modern standardized spellings would of course be: The Lord of the Isles; Stewart, Lord of Lorne; Lord Erskine; and Lord Fleming.

The arms of Lord Fleming are found in several Scottish armorials, but with varying numbers of the cinquefoils: four in the Dunvegan Armorial, five in David Lindsay of the Mount’s Armorial, and six in the Dublin Armorial.

And the second contained:

lord gordoun: Azure three boar’s heads couped argent.

lord gyffert of auld: Barry [of six] ermine and gules.

lord boyis of dryvisdaill of auld: Argent a saltire and a chief sable.

lord of nyddisdaill of auld: Sable a lion rampant argent.

Modern standardized spellings of the names would be: Lord Gordon; Lord Giffard of Old; Lord Boyes of Drysdale; and the Lord of Nithsdale of Old.

I’m not sure where this second page of arms comes from; it does not seem to be from David Lindsay of the Mount’s Armorial. But I do know where it ended up; on the wall at the Hotel Paris in Florence.

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